The Top 3 Reasons To Visit a Museum

If you are a lover of all things art, chances are you have visited iconic places such as the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, the museum of modern art, the MET museum, or the sculpture garden of DC, but have you ever stopped to wonder why it is you do so?
Museums, for one thing, allow us to escape to a different place and time. Whether you are at the new york metropolitan museum of art or any other Nyc museum, for that moment, you are visiting medieval France, or the living room of Georgia O’Keefe. The art museum serves not only as something to do on a Sunday afternoon, but also as an escape from reality for most of us.
Aside from being an escape, places like the new york metropolitan museum of art are a great learning experience, especially for children. Some museums are incredibly hands on, making learning about history fun, and interactive. Museums are all about fostering learning and positive growth for its’ visitors, especially its’ young ones, and can make the learning experience a fun one for not only your children, but for you as well.
Finally, by visiting museums, you are patronizing the arts. Visiting museums is a great way to support the arts and sciences, which are two things that are not only vital to our cultural heritage, but also sometimes forgotten about in our every day hustle and bustle. While not everyone can afford to visit the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, almost every community has some great local art museums and often times they are free. You can even check your local library for features of different art exhibits by local artists on a monthly basis.
There are tons of great benefits to visiting the museums in NY, (or anywhere else) including making an enjoyable learning experience for yourself and your children, and supporting the arts. Without museums, our history would be lost, which is reason enough to want to help with their continued success.
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