Philadelphia has Thousands of Mysterious Murals

The city of Philadelphia has thousands of mysterious murals. Who is making all these murals? Why are these murals painted in the first place? In this video, you will find out.
Most cities across the globe have trouble with vandalism. Specifically, graffiti is a common occurrence with so many blank walls available. Many of these graffiti artists are simply looking for a way to express themselves.
Therefore, the city of Philadelphia decided to leverage this fact for the better. Instead of convicting these graffiti artists, they welcomed them with open arms. In fact, they started a program to pay them to create wonderful murals across the city. Some of these murals are for public places while others are commercial murals for businesses that apply for them. These murals demonstrate the diversity in culture, in thought, and in being from across the whole city. These beautiful murals tell stories and express emotions. It is truly incredible. With the graffiti artists being recruited by the city, illegal graffiti has plummeted significantly. There is now an outlet for these artists to express themselves. Further, there are fewer blank walls in a city that is now full of art.
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