The Fine Art of Paint Rolling

The Fine Art of Paint Rolling

There are many kinds of painting ranging from frescos to water pastel. People paint all sorts of things from portraits to cityscapes. It is incredible what things creative people can make when they set their mind on it. Of all of these kinds of art, you may not think of paint rolling as being art. Yet, there is something very artistic about it.

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Every stroke of the paint roller brings the wall to life with color. This happens in much the same way that a canvas comes alive with color at the will of an artist. You may see this if you watch professional interior painting services do their best work. They seem to work so effortlessly as everything comes together. In this video, you will learn how they do it.

If you have ever looked at a freshly rolled wall, you will notice that there are no paint marks or streaks. This is because the painters carefully position each roll so that the surface is perfectly even and smooth. This is all thanks to one simple trick. They overlap their strokes at a slight angle by about 40% so that all the roller marks disappear. This creates that smooth look.


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