Guided Tours of Ouha Island and Pearl Harbor

Are you planning a Hawaii vacation or destination wedding? Getting to know the Hawaiian Islands can be a very pleasureable task, especailly if you read up on Hawaiian history and culture, and hire an experienced touring company. The Hawaiian Islands are a chain of islands based on an undersea mountain range that was formed by volcanos. The eight major islands consist of volcano peaks, atolls, and multiple small islets in the North Pacific Ocean. Ouha Island is the third biggest island in Hawaii, and the most populated of the eight. The word “Ouha” has no particular meaning in the native Hawaiian language, but the island itslef has always beem known as “The gathering place.” A good place to start your tour, as it is the home of the famous Dole Plantation, which offers vistors an infomrational, hands-on tour, teaching over one million visitors a year memorable lessons about Hawaii’s agricultural history and culture. Dole Planantion is one of the most popular visitor’s attractions in Ouha.
There are all different types of tours on Ouha Islnad, from educational tours for adults, to cycling tours for teens. Whether you are looking for educational tours, cycling tours, or various types of package tours on Ouha Island or in Pearl Harbor, get online and check out various touring companies so you can plan ahead. E Noa Tours is an experienced touring company that has offered entertaining educational tours in small, intimate groups for the past 30 years. Their buses are only 30 seaters, so that tourists and guides can really get to know each other. Tour guides are experienced and knowledgeable lovers of Hawaiian history and culture, and will give you a fun-filled view of Hawaiian life. If you like horse back riding, you can ride along the coast. If you want a day of mall shopping, Hawaiian style, you can do that!
If you are going as far as Hawaii, you can not miss the historical sights of the tragedy in Pearl Harbor. E Noa Tours can take you on a USSR Arizona tour, or a tour of the USS Missouri. Before you take your USSR Arizona tour, you might want to read up on the historic events that ocurred in Pearl Harbor. The USSR Arizona Tour can never fully show the terror of 1,177 shipmen dying onboard on December 7, 1941. 37 pairs of the shipmen who were assigned to the USSR Arizona on December 7 were brothers; many of them died that day. Strangely, no one was ever killed in combat on the USS Missouri. You will learn much more history on your USSR Arizona tour, so we will leave it at that!
Whether you are a history buff on a USSR Arizona tour, or someone who wants to lie on a beach after a day of shopping, Hawaii is the place for your vacation. Start planning your itinerary now with companies like E Noa Tours who can give you the most experienced and entertaining USSR Arizona tour, or any other touring activity you want to experience on the island of Ouha. Continue your research here:
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